Thursday, June 24, 2010

Splish Splash

We went swimming with friends today, and Luke had a blast! He played and played until his little toes were shriveled pruny. I swear I've never seen a baby be so unafraid in the water. He even tries to put his face in the water, mouth wide open. Scares me to death, but I try to leave that bit of "room for exploration" instead of holding the grips so tightly, as I'd like to.
I've heard people say that they believe God made some angels especially for babies. I can see where they'd come up with that, just with seeing Luke gag on food or whatever. I go into FREAK OUT mode, afraid he's falling apart. He just coughs whatever up and goes on. Sometimes he bonks his head, but he's okay. He's a perfectly healthy little boy, and I love him immensely.

Monday, June 21, 2010


That Luke is just too much lately. His little personality shows through more every day it seems. Poor thing has been dealing with a torn up tummy ever since he was put on Augmentin (sp?) for his ear infections. I've been told that it's a super strong medicine, and that I believe because I've seen his chubby red tushy. He's supposed to have the antibiotics for 10 days, and after 3 the redness showed up. It hurt him so bad that he wouldn't even let me use wipes on him. He'd scream. Put the Desitin on, more screaming. It's to the point where when he goes poopie I have to put him in the bath and splash the mess of his bottom. Then he crawls around naked after a dab dry, which he's started to enjoy a lot. (the neckid-ness that is)
I'm trying to get him to eat some banana yogurt baby food so that he won't have an upset tummy ALL THE TIME. He's not so interested in food. He likes bottles... and juice in bottles. But I'm continuing to try. Brian got him to eat some baby food banana and vanilla custard, which is very good. He's gotten out of the habit and kinda lost interest. He likes the idea of finger foods. He's definitely a hands on baby. He loves to try and eat tiny pieces of leaves from our shoes by the door, but no food. Hmmm.
He had an accident the other day and his diaper leaked all over the carpet. We need our carpets cleaned badly. He was with Dad at the time, so I got a text regarding the incident while I was trekking away on the treadmill at the gym. Evidently Dad had to bathe him and give him the full treatment. I was just glad it wasn't on my watch. I must say that I was glad someone else had a turn bathing him by themselves... no names will be mentioned.
Anyhoo, that Luke is super cute and oh so funny. Grammy says I need new and updated pictures on here, so I guess I'll have to hop to it on that. (right.) The summer is officially here for me, so I have more time to blog and more time with Luke so more to blog about. He's coming over here now to try and chew on the cords, so I guess that's my cue!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ear Infections= No Fun

Poor Luke started getting sick over a week ago. We hit up the doctor's office a little too early, it seems, because we found ourselves back there for a "recheck" a few days later. Double ear infection along with some wheezing with his cough. The fix: antibiotics and breathing treatments (with the nebulizer).
How's that going? He HATES having some funky smelling fog shot at his face from a weird blue tube that's connected to a machine making a loud noise. More than that, he HATES having to sit still long enough to get the treatment at all. He usually fusses, which leads to crying, which is followed by him falling asleep in his high chair (at least for his nightly treament).
How about the feeding these days? Not so much. Luke isn't hungry, nor can he breathe. He's far from interested in eating anything. When he's super hungry, he'll take a bottle, and he's let me feed him some fruit a few times. I'm pretty sure he's lost a little weight.
He hasn't lost his desire for adventure. The boy loves to climb on and to anything. If a door opens, the afterburners are on, and he's there in a millisecond. Dad was even construction a "demolition tower" for Luke the other morning. He'd pile up empty water bottles so Luke could crawl over and knock them all down. He LOVED it!
My favorite update is that he has been saying mamamamamamama.... which sounds like Momma to me!