Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ear Infections= No Fun

Poor Luke started getting sick over a week ago. We hit up the doctor's office a little too early, it seems, because we found ourselves back there for a "recheck" a few days later. Double ear infection along with some wheezing with his cough. The fix: antibiotics and breathing treatments (with the nebulizer).
How's that going? He HATES having some funky smelling fog shot at his face from a weird blue tube that's connected to a machine making a loud noise. More than that, he HATES having to sit still long enough to get the treatment at all. He usually fusses, which leads to crying, which is followed by him falling asleep in his high chair (at least for his nightly treament).
How about the feeding these days? Not so much. Luke isn't hungry, nor can he breathe. He's far from interested in eating anything. When he's super hungry, he'll take a bottle, and he's let me feed him some fruit a few times. I'm pretty sure he's lost a little weight.
He hasn't lost his desire for adventure. The boy loves to climb on and to anything. If a door opens, the afterburners are on, and he's there in a millisecond. Dad was even construction a "demolition tower" for Luke the other morning. He'd pile up empty water bottles so Luke could crawl over and knock them all down. He LOVED it!
My favorite update is that he has been saying mamamamamamama.... which sounds like Momma to me!

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