“My presence of mind is frequently absent." -Rain Bojangles
Poor Miss or Mr. Bojangles. Not only are they as HORRIBLY FORGETFUL as I am, but they also have the last name Bojangles. Geez! Yeah I have forgotten the diaper bag at home on two occasions now. Both equally important in having it there.
Today, it was just shocking that I didn't remember it. No bottles, diapers, pacifiers, wipes... nothing! At the mall I had him all strapped in and went to grab my purse and the diaper bag to realize there is no diaper bag. PANIC. Okay, think.
I trekked my baby boo in his jogging stroller over to the Toys'R'Us, which, thankfully, was within (long) walking distance. Dodging traffic and ramping all of the curbs we made it there without any major meltdowns, on his part or mine. Sweating like a pig, I swing in there to the baby supplies area where I knew the formula was and what did I find??? Yay! I new surprise! They make ready-to-go 8 ounce bottles of Similac Advanced! Callou Callay! (See Alice and Wonderland with Johnny Depp) I snatched two of those puppies and another container of formula and raced to the counter. They asked me if I wanted "any batteries with my purchase?" To which I replied, "UH, no!" I'm thinking Luke will squeal at any moment; it's been hours since he's eaten anything. I paid and was outta there quick as lightning!
Easy PeeZy! I got some shopping done, none without prayer that he didn't have a poopie diaper, and a lot of bribing Luke with the chance to hold (chew on) my cell phone. I found some super cute stuff from Baby GAP for him (30% off y'all)! I found some clearance stuff from Ann Taylor Loft for muah! And I found a fab knee-length jean skirt at Coldwater Creek. (don't judge, they aren't for old ladies! Sorry, MOM!) No sale on that one, but it was so worth it!
Um, I have beef with the workers at the Starbucks in the mall. I ordered the LIGHT Mocha Frappucino with whipped cream, and the guy giggled. He's like, "you want the light...with whipped cream?" ("YES I DO!") I just nodded. I'm spreading out the calories...GEEZ! Haters.
Prayers regarding diaper issues were answered, and we made it out without a total a huge fit, though I was carrying him by the time we got to the car. I think that was a pretty good workout for today! Also, I am tempted to put a backup diaper bag in the car for good. Today really could've been disastrous!
Look at those teefers!!!
What is wrong with the name "Bojangles"?
As a living author I like to keep an eye on my work. I'm glad you enjoyed my quote.