Gorgeous, I know! Luke decided that he was going to bite into his crib railing, over and over again. It might have been around the same time he was pitching a fit and throwing his pacifier on the floor. Maybe not. Who knows what goes on during naptime and night-night time. My Mom has told me that my little brother used to wait until she thought he was asleep, and then he would make little inventions and things out of Lego's. Though I know he's not making inventions, I'd still love to be a fly on the wall during what little time my eyes aren't on him!
He's so silly. His Daddy taught him to dance by wiggling his little 25th percentile head around like Ray Charles. We sing, and he smiles and wiggles his head. Sometimes he does it out of nowhere for no reason at all. Even when I try to be as serious as I can sometimes, he can giggle, and then I'm laughing regardless. The other night I was drinking orange Gatorade and playing with Luke. He wanted to drink some Gatorade from the bottle, I could tell because those little eyes were zoned in on it. I started to feel like I was going to laugh, with the drink in my mouth. I quickly swallowed and thought, "that was CLOSE!" I gave him a sip, it of course spilled down the front of his shirt. I went to take another sip, got a big gulp, and he made a goofy, teethy smile... trouble. I laughed and spewed Gatorade everywhere and felt it come out of my nose. There was literally a puddle of liquid in my lap. Wow! I was so glad that Brian wasn't in the room because of two things: 1. He would've really made fun of me (though I wouldn't blame him) and 2. He is super carpet protective. Luckily, I got it mostly cleaned up before he was back.
By the way, this sleep training thing isn't getting easier yet. He now fights his sleep worse during the day for naps. He had the worst fit today. I'm so over this. Seriously.
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