Lukey in his oBeralls!
Baby BedHead
New teether!
Aren't we the cutest?!
I really need to keep up with blogging because when I don't I either have five million things to say or I forget all of the funny little things that happen.
The latest:
1. Luke is very possessive over his Boppy pillow all of a sudden. If I lay on it, he comes and sits in it to push me out. He uses his feet and kicks me out if necessary.
2. Luke is terrified of the springy thingy behind the door. When it makes the BOING noise, Luke looks as if he's been shocked with electricity. He crawls/walks by it and stares it down.
3. Luke mocks people's laughs. No matter what laughing (or crying) sounds I make, he usually tries to replicate them. He mostly gets the same rhythm, not the pitch.
4. My baby's going to school on Monday for the first time! When we went to orientation on Friday, he hammed it up and stole the show. He saw so many new toys and wanted to play with them all. He also met some new friends that are a bit younger than him. He wanted to touch them (with his pointer finger), which I totally discouraged for my and the other parents' sake. He's not exactly gentle. But, he loved staring at himself in their mirror and smiling back at me. I'm just wondering if it'll all be okay when he stops playing and realizes he doesn't know anyone there. :( Poor baby! But they'll be learning Sign Language, Spanish, English (of course), and doing arts and crafts! I'm so excited for him, but I'm missing him at the thought of it.
5. Luke likes black eyed peas. The food, not the group. But who knows, he likes to dance to Lady Gaga!
6. Luke is getting two more teeth in on the bottom, both sides at the same time!
7. Luke knows how to throw a ball! YaY Luke! But he also uses this skill to throw his bottle, pacifier, spoon, or anything else he has in hand and decides to fling!
8. Luke bites me, A LOT! I know he's teething, but it really hurts! He bites in and then pulls back with my skin still in his teeth! Come on now! He also pulls my hair. It's like a game for him. He jumps up to get it because I always have it pulled up away from him!
9. Luke has definitely developed object permanence. If I have the remote control and he sees it, even when I hide it, he'll try to find it.
10. Luke is a fearless climber. The latest scheme was moving his noise-making bongos over by the couch so that he could step up on them to get into my bag on the couch.
11. Luke still LOVES to eat leaves. I pop his hand, yet he never cries.... but when he bites me and I pull away he cries when I say "OUCH!" I don't get it!
There's certainly more, but I'm getting super tired. I'll be sure to post this week!
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